lifeSandrasen: Project summary

LIFE Sandrasen and its results - Project summary

Brandenburg is one of the European core areas regarding the geographical distribution of xeric sand calcareous grasslands. Nevertheless, they are among the most endangered habitat types in Brandenburg.

LIFE Sandrasen was set up to stop the rapid loss of xeric sandy calcareous grasslands (HT *6120) and other open dry habitats like sandy dunes and heathlands (HT 2310, 2330, 4030) and woodlands (HT 9190 and 91T0) in the area ‘Dahme-Seengebiet’ in the federal state of Brandenburg.

A huge variety of open dry habitats has been frequent in Brandenburg for quite a long time. But beginning from the second half of 20th century, these open habitats have been virtually vanished due to intensification, afforestation and abandonment of land use.

According to results of ex-ante monitoring habitat type *6120 was shrunk to a total area of less than ten hectares in Natura2000-sites of the project region at the beginning of the project. This loss of habitat type *6120 was mainly connected to acidification, loss of open sandy habitats and reduction and extinction of characteristic plant populations.

The project took place in the counties of Dahme-Spreewald, Oder-Spree and Teltow-Fläming in the federal state of Brandenburg. Concrete conservation activities have been implemented in 15 Natura2000 sites.


LIFE Sandrasen has stabilized, improved and developed habitat type *6120 (xeric sandy calcareous grasslands) on a total area of 77 ha.

Other dry and wetland habitats have been improved on a total area of 150 ha. Furthermore various other habitats took advantage from project activities.

More than 250 local populations of characteristic plant species for xeric sandy calcareous grasslands were introduced or stabilized.

LIFE Sandrasen was able to encourage farmers to participate in regular land use schemes on open grasslands. Stiftung NaturSchutzFonds Brandenburg, Landesamt für Umwelt Brandenburg, Land Lords and local farmers will take care of open grasslands developed by LIFE Sandrasen during the years to come.

The project has been conducted by Stiftung NaturSchutzFonds Brandenburg, a public foundation, as coordinating beneficiary. Landesamt für Umwelt Brandenburg (former Landesamt für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz) was involved as associated beneficiary. Landesamt für Umwelt has provided tremendous technical support to the project management during the project.

LIFE in the Sand

LIFE in the Sand - The summary of our project LIFE Sandrasen

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Das Projekt Sandrasen

In einem gemeinsamen EU-LIFE-Projekt widmen sich die Stiftung Naturschutzfonds Brandenburg und der Naturpark Dahme-Heideseen von 2013 bis 2019 den europaweit stark gefährdeten Sandtrockenrasen.

Dr. Holger Rößling (Projektleitung)
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